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happy family
Family-Focused Counseling

Our counseling services are family-focused and trauma-informed. Our belief is that counseling is most effective through collaboration with parents or caregivers. Most of our clients have experienced some type of trauma and our goal is to facilitate successful resolution to traumatic experiences and assist caregivers in learning to parent in a trauma-informed manner. To request any of our counseling services, please complete the referral form on the home page and submit via email or fax.

Happy Family
Adoption Competency Trained Counseling

All counselors who work with adoptive families are required to complete a comprehensive adoption competency training course. Adoption counseling can help facilitate successful adoptions by helping prepare children and prospective families for adoption, maintain stability throughout the placement process, and prevent disruption following placement.

Lesbian Couple with Baby
Attachment-Focused Counseling

Many adopted children have attachment difficulties due to having multiple caregivers, abuse/neglect or other factors. A child’s primary attachment is the foundation for all future relationships and is critical in human development. When a child has experienced a disruption in the attachment cycle, every effort should be made to repair the damage and create a healthy attachment with a responsible, trustworthy caregiver. Attachment-Focused Therapy services can be provided to families of children who have some type of attachment difficulty, which can range from minor attachment problems to serious attachment disturbances.

Father & Son
Chosen Families Program - Manatee

Family Enrichment Services is contracted by Parenting Matters to provide counseling services to post adoptive families in Manatee County in the Chosen Families Program.

Family Enrichment Services is a project of Adoption Related Services of Pinellas, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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